Secrets to Budget Travel: How I Traveled 3 Continents, 4 Countries & 7 States Last Year

secrets to budget travel world map and money from different countries

Welcome to my latest post on my secrets to budget travel! Did you know that in the last twelve months, I’ve traveled to three continents, four different countries, and seven U.S. states? (Okay, one of the continents was North America, but still, that’s impressive, right?) I was reflecting on my budget-savvy travels over the lastRead more

Things to do in Sandpoint Idaho

View of Lake Ponderay in Sandpoint Idaho from Schweitzer Mountain

Sandpoint, Idaho, is somewhat of a hidden secret in the Pacific Northwest. Located in North Idaho approximately 60 miles south of the Canadian border, this small resort-like town is a year-round tourist destination. Home to the largest lake in Idaho and one of the best ski resorts in the entire Pacific Northwest, there is plentyRead more

Free Things to do in Amsterdam | A Budget-Savvy Guide

amsterdam tram stop

As a budget-savvy traveler, I am always looking for the cheapest way to experience a city. Fortunately, visiting Amsterdam on a budget can be accomplished by finding free things to do because there is nothing cheaper than free! So I worked with my fellow travel bloggers to put together the below list of the bestRead more

Visiting London on a Budget | A Travel-Savvy Guide

view of the Thames River in London

Being a savvy traveler, I’ve experienced visiting London on a budget on multiple occasions and here I’ll tell you how you can, too! With affordable accommodations, cheap eats, low-cost transportation, and free attractions and tours, you will be able to travel to London on a budget.  Just follow these money saving tips for visiting LondonRead more

3 Days in Buenos Aires: A Savvy Traveler’s Guide

arial view of buenos aires

Are you planning to spend 3 days in Buenos Aires? Good, because Buenos Aires has it all: delicious steak and wine, gorgeous tango dancers, beautiful buildings, well-maintained parks, and all the nightlife you could want. You could fill a week with all kinds of activities, and if you have a week to work with andRead more

Trastevere Guide | The Best Neighborhood in Rome

When I studied abroad in Rome during college, I lived in the neighborhood of Trastevere.  I loved it, and many would agree with me when I say that Trastevere is the best neighborhood in Rome. Trastevere, which means beyond the Tiber (river), is a charming and authentic Roman neighborhood filled with history, restaurants, cafes and,Read more